
Who is the Antichrist Today?

Many would be surprised to know that the answer to the question of who is the antichrist today, is the same as who Paul and John were referring to nearly 2000 years ago. So why is the entire world today looking for some future one man antichrist?

When George Bush came into power, many exclaimed that he was the antichrist! But now that Barack Obama is president, those same people are crying out that he is. It seems like every new American President is guaranteed to be the antichrist!Who is the antichrist today? What is very clear is that most of the world has absolutely no idea who the antichrist is. Even David Hasselhoff has been called the antichrist for the most ridiculous and unbiblical reasons. Almost everyone is just speculating instead of reading the Bible and finding out what the Bible actually does teach!

It normally comes as quite a surprise to most people when they discover that the word antichrist only occurs four times in the entire Bible. It can be found only in 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 1:7.

John informs us in 1 John 2:18 that even in his time that there were many antichrists. How can this be if the Bible supposedly says that antichrist is one man in the future? John also said that anyone who denies Jesus came in the flesh is antichrist. So where does antichrist really originate from? Note that John answers this question in the following passage.

1 John 2:18-19Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there MANY antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from US, but they were not of US; for if they had been of US, they would no doubt have continued with US: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of US.

Did you note that John said that antichrist went out from US? Thus John is saying that “they” were part of their own Church but they went out on their own. He is also saying “they” meaning more than one person and these people went out on their own and formed their own Church. Again, how can this be if antichrist is supposedly only one man?

Are you ready for the real bombshell? The theory of a future one man antichrist was manufactured prophecy from the 15th century and was written by some very evil people known as the Jesuits. Are you ready for an even bigger bombshell? These Jesuits were commissioned to do this by this very antichrist power itself that John spoke of and was done to divert attention off themselves and to place it on some future fictional one man antichrist.

This was done when the early Protestants discovered that the real identity of antichrist was actually right under their nose and the word spread quickly. It was discovered that the antichrist was not an individual but an entire system that denies Jesus came in the flesh and has greatly affected what is important to God such as His sanctuary, His Church and His law.

These Jesuits were very intelligent theologians and what they wrote was a clever and believable distortion of scripture. Satan has now successfully perpetuated this false and manufactured prophecy right down to current time today where the whole world just blindly believes it is true. So who is the antichrist? It is an apostate system that goes right back to the days of the early Church and still continues today. So let’s see what the Bible really says. See also the related topic futurism Bible Prophecy for detailed information on the evil empire of the Jesuits and the 70 weeks of Daniel which was the Bible prophecy that was abused for the futurism deception.

Please Note: For an extremely comprehensive study just on the identity of antichrist, please alternatively select who is the antichrist. Otherwise please continue with the remainder of this document, which also reveals the identity but primarily covers the false views and misunderstandings and how many have come to believe that antichrist is one future individual or even that antichrist has already been and gone! Both of these views originated from the Jesuits.

Identifying the Antichrist Beast Power

Note that the antichrist is also known as the little horn of Daniel and the first beast of Revelation 13. We find that Revelation chapter 13 describes two beasts, the first rising out of the sea (Revelation 13:1) and the second coming out of the earth (Revelation 13:11). Thus there are two beasts in Revelation 13 but we are going to zero in on the first beast called antichrist. I must warn you: This topic is shocking, controversial, and sure to stir up heated discussion. Nevertheless it must be presented faithfully, fairly, and without compromise. John wrote:

I saw a beast rising up out of the sea” (Revelation 13:1).

Who is this beast that figures so largely in God’s last book? Those who accept a “Preterist” interpretation of Revelation generally believe the beast was the Roman emperor Nero who murdered Christians and Jews in the first century A.D. Hank Hanegraaff and Sigmund Brouwer have recently expressed this view in Tyndale’s new prophetic novel, The Last Disciple. Gary DeMar, John Noe, Ken Gentry Jr., Samuel Frost, Kurt Simmons and many others teach this idea. To Preterists, the beast is dead.

While Preterism is growing in strength, by far the most popular interpretation remains the “Futurist” one reflected in the best selling Left Behind series (also published by Tyndale). According to Futurists, the beast is still on the horizon; a monster that will only lurch into action after the Rapture. Leading proponents of Futurism today are Tim LaHaye, Tommy Ice, Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey and Irving Baxter Jr. Both Preterists and Futurists see the beast as one satanic individual; an evil person. The biggest difference is the timing of when Mr. Diabolical shows up.

So which is it? Is the beast past or future? Or could he be present? Hold onto your seats. From the time of the Reformation until the late 1800s the vast majority of Protestant scholars firmly believed the beast was snarling right in front of them. Such was the doctrine of Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, John Calvin, John Knox, the translators of the King James Bible, John Wesley, Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop J.C. Rylie, Thomas Cranmer, Matthew Henry, Charles Spurgeon, Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones and countless others. These were not Preterists or Futurists. They were Historicists, meaning they saw prophecy fulfilled throughout Church history until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Let’s put emotions, personal opinion and speculation aside, and adjust our brains to facts solid, unquestionable, irrefutable evidence. The beast rises from the sea (Revelation 13:1), looks like a lion, bear, and leopard (Revelation 13:2), has ten horns (Revelation 13:1), a mouth speaking great things (Revelation 13:5), makes war on the saints (Revelation 13:7), and achieves global influence (Revelation 13:7). Daniel chapter 7 talks about the same things, describing four beasts rising from the sea (Daniel 7:1-3), a lion, bear, leopard, and dragon like animal with ten horns (Daniel 7:4-7), a little horn with eyes like a man (Daniel 7:8), a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:8), which makes war on the saints (Daniel 7:21). Most scholars agree both Protestant and Catholic that Daniel’s little horn is the same as the beast in Revelation 13:1. Each has a big mouth and makes war on the saints. These are all facts.

Here is a key question: What is a beast? A man? A computer? The Bible provides the answer. An angelic interpreter told Daniel, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth” (Daniel 7:23). Thus a beast is a kingdom. Period. The four beasts are four kingdoms. Daniel was living during the time of Babylon (Daniel 7:1), and in fact, a winged lion was a symbol of that ancient power. Most scholars agree the lion represented Babylon, followed by Persia, then Greece, then Rome. This is basic history. Rome fell in 476 AD and was divided among ten primary nations; Vandals, Heruli, Ostrogoths, Visogoths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Suevi, Burgundians, Lombards and Alemanni. Prophecy clearly predicted “the little horn” would:

  • Rise out of the fourth beast, or Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7-8)
  • Rise among the ten horns, in Western Europe (Daniel 7:8)
  • Have eyes like a man, or human leadership (Daniel 7:8)
  • Have a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:8)
  • Make war on the saints (Daniel 7:21)

Thus we have Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Rome’s division and then the little horn that is the same as the beast. Who is this horn? “Nero!” shout Preterists. “The future Antichrist!” contend Futurists. What is wrong with this picture? The answer should be obvious. Preterists are wrong because the little horn (antichrist) especially gains power after Rome was divided into ten parts. Nero came 500 years too soon. Futurists fail because the little horn burst into strength immediately after the empire of the Caesars collapsed into ten parts. The future beast notion sweeps 1500 years of history under the proverbial rug by expecting the little horn to rise only after Christians vanish.

Preterism’s problem:

  • Lion (Babylon)
  • Bear (Persia)
  • Leopard (Greece)
  • Dragon like animal (Rome)
  • Ten horns (Rome’s fall and division)
  • Little horn (Nero, this doesn’t fit)

Futurism’s failure:

  • Lion (Babylon)
  • Bear (Persia)
  • Leopard (Greece)
  • Dragon like animal (Rome)
  • Insertion of a 1500 year gap
  • Ten horns (future revived Roman Empire)
  • Little horn (future Antichrist)

Historicism’s accuracy:

  • Lion (Babylon)
  • Bear (Persia)
  • Leopard (Greece)
  • Dragon like animal (Rome)
  • Ten horns (Rome’s fall and division)
  • Little horn (rising into strength in Europe right after Rome fell)

Who is the little horn? Ask Martin Luther, Melanchthon, John Wycliffe, John Huss, Jerome, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop J.C. Rylie, Thomas Cranmer, Charles Spurgeon and countless others. To them the answer was obvious. They all saw a present power that started small but grew into strength immediately after Rome fell, rose up in Western Europe, had eyes like a man, a mouth speaking boastful things, and made bloody war on the saints.

It is easy to write fiction books about an imaginary future Antichrist or a dead one. But to write non-fiction works about a present beast, especially one with global influence, this is not so easy. Nor is it politically correct. Yet the question Jesus Christ bids us ponder is: What is the truth?

The Bible says, “All the world wondered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3). It is no secret that the majority of modern prophecy teachers apply this prediction to the rise of one Mr. Bad Guy (the Antichrist) who will supposedly show up after the rapture. That’s the dominant view. Is it correct?

FBI Apologizes to American Lawyer Wrongly Arrested” was the title of an Associated Press story that appeared in the San Luis Obispo Tribune on May 26, 2004. A terrorist bombing had occurred in Spain killing 191 people and FBI fingerprint evidence pointed to Portland attorney Brandon Mayfield, a Muslim, as the guilty one. Mayfield was thrown in jail. But the FBI soon discovered they had wrong man. The Tribune declared, “Court documents released Monday suggested that the mistaken arrest first sprang from an error by the FBI’s supercomputer for matching fingerprints.” The embarrassed agency then acknowledged the need to “review its practices on fingerprint analysis.”

When it comes to the beast, is it possible that the “fingerprint analysis” of many modern prophecy teachers is in error? Most expect the arrival of a future Antichrist, but are they looking for the wrong man? Could the beast be here now?

Let’s review the evidence presented in identifying the antichrist Beast power. The beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is the same as the “little horn” of Daniel 7. Both have “a mouth speaking great things” (see Daniel 7:8; Revelation 13:5) and “make war with the saints” (see Daniel 7:21; Revelation 13:7). Almost everyone agrees here. In Daniel 7, the plain prophetic sequence is:

  • The rise of a lion (verse 4)
  • The rise of a bear (verse 5)
  • The rise of a leopard (verse 6)
  • The rise of a fourth beast (verse 7)
  • The fourth beast has ten horns (verse 7)
  • Another little horn rises among the ten horns (verse 8)
  • The little horn had eyes like a man (verse 8)
  • The little horn had a mouth speaking great things (verse 8)
  • The little horn made war on the saints (verse 21)

An angel said, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth” (Daniel 7:23). 98% of Christian scholars throughout history have identified these four beasts as four kingdoms being: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. It is simple history and a no brainer. The controversy swirls around the ten horns and the little horn. Futurists place the ten horns in the future (predicting a “revived Roman empire”) and think the “little horn” refers to one Mr. Diabolical who shows up after we are gone.

Preterists think the little horn is Nero who waged war against Christians in the first century. In identifying who the antichrist beast power is, we saw fatal flaws in both of these views. Futurists insert a 1500 year gap after the fall of Rome (thus breaking the successive sequence of Daniel 7), while Preterists fail to realize that the little horn bursts into strength after Rome’s division into ten parts, not before.

The ONLY SOLUTION that fits Daniel 7’s sequence sees Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, then Rome’s division into ten parts, and then the little horn that is the same as the beast. Let me stress that this prophecy is not pointing its irrefutable finger against sincere people who do not fully understand the Scriptures. No. Its focus is a “kingdom” or beast system (centred in one “man”) that is leading millions away from childlike faith in the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Who is the little horn? Are you ready? Martin Luther wrote that Daniel “saw the terrible wild beast which had ten horns, which by the consent of all is the Roman Empire, he also beheld another small horn come up in the middle of this. This is the papal power, which rose up in the middle of the Roman Empire.” [1]

Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, John Knox, William Tyndale, John Calvin, John Wesley, Roger Williams, Fox’s Book of Martyrs, the translators of the King James Bible, John Bunyan, the Westminster Confession, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Spurgeon, David Benedict’s History of the Baptist Denomination, Bishop J.C. Rylie, Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones and countless other historic Protestants all believed the little horn of Daniel 7 was the global power of the Roman Catholic Church which came out of the Roman Empire, rose up among the ten parts of Europe, is cantered in one man (the Pope), has made war with the saints in history, is a “kingdom” today (over 100 embassies stand on Vatican hill), and even now exerts global influence.

According to 400 years of Protestant scholarship (which should not be taken lightly), the beast is here now and has been operating for over a thousand years. Again, this prophecy is not against sincere people who do not fully understand the Bible, but against a system that leads away from direct faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and has introduced many subtle traditions into the Christian Church.

Preterists and futurists should “review their practices of fingerprint analysis.” Like the FBI in 2004, they have identified the wrong man. Let’s not make the same mistake.

[1] References: Quoted in Romanism and the Reformation - From the Standpoint of Prophecy, by H. Grattan Guinness. Harley House, Bow, London.1891, p. 127. Italics original. See also Works of Martin Luther, vol. II, P. 386.

Antichrist before the Rapture

Apocalyptic films like A Thief in the Night, Revelation, Apocalypse, and Left Behind: The Movie, all depict the vanishing of Christians in the Rapture prior to the arrival of the Antichrist. In fact, this concept of Rapture first and Antichrist second has become so popular that many are not even willing to listen to an alternative view. Yet Jesus Christ definitely requires an attitude of openness to His Word from every Christian. Just because a certain doctrine is believed by millions, this does not necessarily mean it is true. Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures” (John 5:39). The noble Bereans “searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). We must “test all things,” and “hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

According to the Bible, which comes first, the Rapture or the arrival of the Antichrist? Amazingly, the Paul gives us a very straight and simple answer in 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 3.

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together to Him [here is when the church is gathered] ... Let no man deceive you by any means [this warning is addressed to Christians]. For that day [the day when Jesus comes to gather us] shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed [Antichrist], the son of perdition.

Do you see it? Paul wrote about: 1) the coming of Jesus Christ; 2) our gathering to Him; and 3) the arrival of the Man of Sin. When it comes to the order of events, Paul is very definite. He said that before Jesus comes to gather us, the falling away must take place first and the Man of Sin must be revealed. Thus the Man of Sin [also called Antichrist], must come first, before Jesus comes to gather us.

Paul said, “Let no man deceive you by any means” (verse 3) about this exact truth!

Is Antichrist Only One Man?

Paul called the Antichrist, “the man of sin ... the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). It is primarily because of this verse that millions have come to believe that there will be only one super sinister Mr. Sin who will rise to power after the Rapture. Is it true? Will there be only one man, the Antichrist? Is this what Paul really meant?

First of all, in the little book of 1 John, the Bible plainly says there are “many antichrists” and John states that antichrist came from US speaking of the Church (1 John 2:18-19), and a “spirit of antichrist” (1 John 4:3). John also wrote that any person who denies the true doctrine of Jesus Christ is “a deceiver and an antichrist” (2 John 7, 9). Thus so far, the idea of there being only “one” antichrist fails the biblical test.

There are other equally inspired statements in the Bible which parallel Paul’s expression, “the man of sin.” Prophecy also refers to this same Antichrist as the “little horn” (Daniel 7:8), the “beast” (Revelation 13:1), “the mystery of iniquity” (2 Thessalonians 2:7), and “that Wicked” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). Do all of these expressions refer to one evil person who will rise to power after the Rapture? You are about to see that they do not.

Most agree that Daniel’s “little horn,” Revelation’s mysterious “beast,” and Paul’s “man of sin,” all refer to the same thing. Daniel 7 describes four beasts: a lion, a bear, a leopard and a dragon like beast with ten horns (Daniel 7:3-7). Then comes the “little horn” out of the head of the fourth beast (Daniel 7:8). This little horn has “eyes like the eyes of a man,” “a mouth speaking great things,” and “makes war on the saints” (Daniel 7:8, 21). This is exactly what “the beast” has and does in Revelation 13:5, 7. Thus the “little horn” is the same as “the beast.” But what many fail to discern is that in Daniel 7, a beast is clearly defined as a kingdom, not a man. The Holy Word says, “...the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth” (Daniel 7:23).

The Bible doesn’t say the “little horn” is a man, but rather that it would have “eyes like the eyes of a man.” (Daniel 7:8). When Paul used the expression, “the man of sin,” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, he was simply referring to the “little horn” with its “eyes like the eyes of a man.” Yet that same horn is called a “beast” in Revelation 13:1, and the Bible clearly tells us that a beast represents a great kingdom (Daniel 7:23).

A careful study of 2 Thessalonians 2 reveals the impossibility of “the man of sin,” also called to “the mystery of iniquity,” and “that Wicked,” as only applying to one man. First, “the mystery of iniquity,” although under restraint, was “already at work” in Paul’s time (verse 7). Second, it would continue all the way until the visible return of Jesus Christ at the end of the world (verse 8). Thus it cannot refer to only one man, for that man would have to be almost 2,000 years old!

Did Paul ever use the expression “the man” in any of his other writings in such a way that it does not refer to only one man? Yes. Paul wrote, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:15-16. Here “the man of God” does not refer to only one Holy Man, but rather to a succession of godly men throughout history who follow the Scriptures. Paul also used the phrase, “the minister of God” (Romans 13:4) to refer to all civil officers throughout history who restrain evil. Thus, Paul’s mysterious phrase, “the man of sin,” which is the same as the “little horn,” and the “beast,” may properly refer to an actual “kingdom” with “eyes like the eyes of a man,” that is, to a kingdom cantered in a historical succession of supremely exalted men who, contrary to the Scriptures, are part of “the mystery of iniquity.”

Is Dispensationalism “Antichrist?”

One of the fundamental doctrines of Dispensationalism, a theological system founded by J.N. Darby in the 1830s, is that “Israel” and “the Church” are entirely separate entities. Famed Dispensationalist Charles C. Ryrie confessed:

The Church/Israel distinction is the best way to determine whether or not someone is a dispensationalist - the most important criterion” (Dispensationalism Today, by Charles C. Ryrie, Moody Press, 1965, pps. 44-45, 132).

This Church/Israel distinction forms the basis of Dispensationalism’s prophetic views. It is no secret that Dispensationalism teaches:

We are now in the “Church Age.”

The Church will be taken to heaven in the Rapture, thus ending the “Church Age.”

After the Rapture, God’s focus will be the literal nation of Israel in the Middle East.

Because God in the Old Testament promised the land (of Palestine) to Israel, the Modern Israeli nation has a biblical right to all that land today.

The net result of this doctrine is that most Dispensationalists believe that modern Palestinians have no right to any of Israel’s land today, even if some of these Palestinians dwelt on some of this land pre 1948 (when Israel became a nation again). Their doctrine is: God favours the Jews, not the Arabs or Palestinians. Politically, this doctrine often leads Dispensationalist Christians to oppose:

Any compromise by Israel in giving up land to the Palestinians.

Any withdrawal of Israeli settlements from Palestinian occupied territory.

A two state solution to the Israel/Palestinian crisis that hopes both sides can have their own states on the same land side by side.

Obviously, the current Jew/Arab/Palestinian issues are complex. There is no simple solution to Middle East problems. Evils have been committed on both sides. No one should justify Palestinian terrorists killing innocent Jews or unjust actions by Israeli soldiers against innocent Palestinians (for further reading, we recommend Occupied Voices by Wendy Pearlman).

The purpose of this current topic is not to attempt to solve the Middle East mess, but to reveal this clear teaching of the New Testament: Jesus Christ has broken down the wall between Jews and Gentiles. He loves both sides equally and gave His life for all.

Paul wrote: “There is neither Jew nor Greek [Gentile]...for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

Gentiles [are] fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel (Ephesians 4:6).

For He Himself [Jesus Christ] is our peace, who has made both [Jews and Gentiles] one, and has broken down the middle wall of create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that he might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity (Ephesians 2:14-17).

Jesus Christ Himself said, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).

These inspired verses teach that Jesus Christ gave His life for the entire world (Israelis and Arabs) and that He broke down the wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles. He did it “through the cross.” Jesus died “for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2) and now Jews and Gentiles can be “of the same body,” “one in Christ Jesus.

In light of these Scriptures, any inherent favouritism toward one group (Jews/Israelis) over against Gentiles (Arabs/Palestinians) should be clearly seen as contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ and the New Testament. The same God created both groups. Both sides should be treated fairly. Both sides have equal rights. The Father and His Son love both Israeli babies and Palestinians babies. Jesus died for all. Both sides have sinned and both sides are lost without the Saviour.

Contrary to Jewish prejudice existing in His own day, Jesus ministered tactfully and lovingly to an outcast Samaritan woman, even though “the Jews [had] no dealings with the Samaritans” (John 4:9). He also told His classic parable of the “Good Samaritan” whom He commended for an act of kindness to a man beaten by robbers, while at the same time portraying a certain priest and Levite as lacking compassion (Luke 10:25-39). These examples show plainly that Jesus did not favour Jews above Gentiles. He loved both groups and longed to bring salvation to all.

In this light we ask: Is Dispensationalism’s bias in favour of Israelis above Palestinians (which is supposedly based on Scripture) in harmony with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ? Obviously, Dispensationalism is not “the little horn” (Daniel 7:8) or the “beast” (Revelation 13:1), but can much of its doctrine still be classified as “antichrist”? The New Testament says that all true Christians should “abide in the doctrine of Christ” (2 John 9) in order to avoid being misled by “many deceivers” who are “antichrist” (verse 7).

Jesus Christ, His message, and His Doctrine should be our Center. Any doctrine or theory not in harmony with Jesus Christ is “anti-christ.” “Let no man deceive you by any means” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

The Antichrist and the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation in the 1500s literally changed the course of history. It helped move Europe out of the Dark Ages and led to the rise of true religious freedom. Its original principles eventually found expression in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which teaches that when it comes to religion, the governments of earth have no right to control the conscience.

True Protestantism teaches salvation by grace through faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8) and the supremacy of the Bible above the visible Church (2 Timothy 3:16), above traditions, Pastors, Priests, Popes and Kings (See D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation of the Sixteen Century, book xiii, chapter vi, pp. 520-524). It also teaches the priesthood of all believers (2 Peter 2:9-10) and that all people everywhere can be saved by coming directly to our loving heavenly Father through His only Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). “There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).

What did the major Protestant Reformers teach about the Antichrist? Whether you agree with them or not, it’s important to realize what they taught. The following quotations are not intended to foster ill will toward any human being, for this would be contrary to teaching of Jesus Christ (John 13:34-35), but rather to simply present what some of the most influential Christian leaders who have ever lived believed about “the little horn” (Daniel 7:8), “the beast” (Revelation 13:1), and “the man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) about who the Antichrist is.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: “John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer; in the seventeenth century, Bunyan, the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, [scientist and theologian] John Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones; these men among countless others, all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist.” Taken from All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael de Semlyen. Dorchestor House Publications, p. 205. 1991.

Here are three more of the countless others mentioned from the above book. John Knox, Roger Williams and Cotton Mather.

“The Antichrist and the Protestant Reformation” is taken from Chapter 9 of Steve Wohlberg’s small book: The Antichrist Chronicles: and recorded in his larger book, End Time Delusions:. Used with permission.

Note from the webmaster: The book End Time Delusions: from whitehorsemedia is a must have that no library should be without. I cannot recommend it highly enough.